बुधवार, २९ डिसेंबर, २०२१

🌹🌹 #Steps to success🌹🌹

🌹🌹 #Steps to success🌹🌹

      A good idea was read in the morning, just a few words, I am sharing it with you ..... "

Good idea: - "Why not at the speed of a tortoise but make a little progress every day. A lot of rabbits will come horizontally. Just dare to defeat them."

 Don't know what the math of success and failure is.  It's a simple word ... !!
 The only way to win is the math of success in life. It may be the way to prove the strength, so the person who fails is weak or the person who is left behind due to circumstances is rare.
     A person who is not powerful or money or position famous progress success success is such a word.  Those who have it need to get more than that and those who don't have it keep trying.  No matter how many journeys of life, success and failure, progress, money and happiness go away in search of satisfaction.

Success brings both satisfaction and peace.  If you fail, the journey will not stop anywhere
 Engages himself in the journey.
 The journey of success .... The journey of satisfaction .... The journey of happiness ...- The journey of success for one's own journey ....
  I will not say that if you travel to success, you will not be happy.  But do not underestimate the other.  Because we are on a journey of success for that journey of happiness.  So if you fail, don't stop ... keep walking on the path of success.  Why not slowly but keep walking.  Success will continue to walk with you ... We will continue to walk with success ...!

 "Life is the math of living
 Sadness is the shadow of failure
 However, by taking the step of success
 That is the way to go .. !! "

 ✍️🏻©️®️Savita Tukaramji Lote
 Title: -           🌹🌹#Steps to success🌹🌹

 Awareness of your coming is your reaction.  Be sure to leave your feedback in the comment box and don't forget to like and share.

#Good idea: - "Why not at the speed of a tortoise but make a little progress every day. A lot of rabbits will come horizontally. Just dare to defeat them."


पायवाट यशाची

**#पायवाट यशाची**

"सकाळी एक सुविचार वाचण्यात आला सहजच काही शब्द सुचले ते तुमच्या बरोबर शेअर करीत आहे़....."
सुविचार :- "कासवाच्या गतीने का होईना पण रोज थोडी थोडी प्रगती करा खूप ससे येतील आडवे बस त्यांना हरवायची हिम्मत ठेवा"

       यश अपयशाचे गणित काय आहे माहित नाही. सहज सुचलेले शब्द आहे...!!
       जिंकणे हा एकमेव मार्ग जीवनात यशस्वितेची गणित असते की शक्तिवान सिद्ध करण्याचा तो कदाचित मार्ग असावा म्हणून अपयशी माणूस कमजोर असतो किंवा परिस्थितीमुळे मागे पडलेला माणूस दुर्लभ असतो.
      शक्तिशाली नसणारा व्यक्ती किंवा पैसा वा पद प्रसिद्ध प्रगती यश यशस्विता हे असे शब्द आहे. ज्यांच्या जवळ असते त्यांना त्यापेक्षाही जास्त मिळविण्याची गरज भासते आणि ज्यांच्याजवळ नसते ते सतत सतत प्रयत्न करत राहतात. आयुष्याचा किती तरी प्रवास हा यश-अपयश प्रगती पैसा सुख समाधान शोधण्यामध्ये निघून जातो.
          यश आले तर समाधान आणि शांती दोन्ही मिळते. अपयश हातात आले तर प्रवासाचा मार्ग कुठेच थांबतच नाही.आपण त्याच प
प्रवासात स्वतःला गुंतवून ठेवत असतो.
प्रवास यशाचा.... प्रवास समाधानाचा.... प्रवास सुखाचा...-प्रवास निघण्याचा स्वतःच्याच प्रवासासाठी यशाचा.... 
       यशाचा प्रवास केला तर सुखावून जाऊ नेका;असे मी म्हणणार नाही. पण दुसऱ्याला कमी लेखू नका. कारण सुखाच्या त्या प्रवासासाठी आपण यशाचा प्रवास करीत असतो. म्हणून अपयश आले तर थांबू नका... यशाच्या मार्गावर चालतच राहा. हळूहळू का होईना पण चालत रहा. यश आपल्यासोबत चालत राहील... यशासोबत आपण चालत राहू...!

 " आयुष्य हे जगण्याचे गणित आहे 
 दुःखाची अपयशाची सावली असली 
 तरी यशाच्या पायरीवर घेऊन 
 जाणारी ती पायवाट आहे ..!!"

  ✍️🏻©️®️सविता तुकाराम लोटे 

©️®️✍️Savita Tukaramji Lote
शीर्षक :- Steps to success

    आपल्या येण्याची जाणीव आपल्या प्रतिक्रिया  होय. आपली प्रतिक्रिया कमेंट बॉक्समध्ये जरूर नोंदवा आणि लाईक आणि शेअर करायला विसरू नका.


🌹🌹 #Steps to success🌹🌹

      A good idea was read in the morning, just a few words, I am sharing it with you ..... "

Good idea: - "Why not at the speed of a tortoise but make a little progress every day. A lot of rabbits will come horizontally. Just dare to defeat them."

 Don't know what the math of success and failure is.  It's a simple word ... !!
 The only way to win is the math of success in life. It may be the way to prove the strength, so the person who fails is weak or the person who is left behind due to circumstances is rare.
     A person who is not powerful or money or position famous progress success success is such a word.  Those who have it need to get more than that and those who don't have it keep trying.  No matter how many journeys of life, success and failure, progress, money and happiness go away in search of satisfaction.

Success brings both satisfaction and peace.  If you fail, the journey will not stop anywhere
 Engages himself in the journey.
 The journey of success .... The journey of satisfaction .... The journey of happiness ...- The journey of success for one's own journey ....
  I will not say that if you travel to success, you will not be happy.  But do not underestimate the other.  Because we are on a journey of success for that journey of happiness.  So if you fail, don't stop ... keep walking on the path of success.  Why not slowly but keep walking.  Success will continue to walk with you ... We will continue to walk with success ...!

 "Life is the math of living
 Sadness is the shadow of failure
 However, by taking the step of success
 That is the way to go .. !! "

 ✍️🏻©️®️Savita Tukaramji Lote
 Title: -
           🌹🌹#Steps to success🌹🌹

 Awareness of your coming is your reaction.  Be sure to leave your feedback in the comment box and don't forget to like and share.
#Good idea: - "Why not at the speed of a tortoise but make a little progress every day. A lot of rabbits will come horizontally. Just dare to defeat them."



!! होईलच इथपासून चालू झालेला प्रवास राहू दे !!( लेख )

!! होईलच इथपासून चालू झालेला प्रवास राहू दे !!         पूर्णविराम द्यावा लागतो काही स्वप्नांना मी नेहमी इथून जात असताना वाटायच की त्या गेटच्...