English article life poem article love kavita लेबल असलेली पोस्ट दाखवित आहे. सर्व पोस्ट्‍स दर्शवा
English article life poem article love kavita लेबल असलेली पोस्ट दाखवित आहे. सर्व पोस्ट्‍स दर्शवा

सोमवार, १६ मे, २०२२

*** A QUESTION ****

**** A QUESTION ****

 Jeevanachya every water, every answer seeks one question astoch asa continuous jani rahate pan kharach question ayushayat itka aammacha asto ki tyasmor sage ke sate prem apulki vishwas jivha hai sarva bajula thevle jaat jaat.
 Ayushyatil every varnavar then the importance of question is untrue.  Or the question and answer were not found till today.  Not knowledgeable?  Milaela ahe te shodhanyacha effort..!!!
 Every person apalya ayushayat such question sarvanchya ayushayat yet astil.  Possibly Kunala te answer mitahi, asel pan te answer miliyanantar tya questionala kharach kai price relief asel mahit nahi.  Pan te uttar mine till galela veळ and aata  samor asalya uttarānchya veli milalela ve ya middle antar ate.  Kadhikadhi te question funny hoon jaatat.  What questions do the answers mean?  Such a question layer samor..!!
          Mahnoon Questionnaire Answer Shodhat Basu Naka.  Yenanya velela aapli way should be built.  Cause galeli ve layer kadhich yet nahi aati ti kuni aanyachha try to wake up asel tar atach wha.  The reason comes or moment.
 Aaplya Yenanya Velesathi..!  The reason is that the wings are fluttering.  You are funny!!  You have to fly.  The sky is full.  Hoil Titki...!  Geel Titki.  Akashala apalya kavet ghyyeche.  Feeling mindless to celebrate the atmosphere, or the situation, the taste is good.
 Aayush is very beautiful.  Each feathers are non-existent.  What is the basis?  Rahoon a little far away.  Rahunach a little far away from you.  Because of which you may not be able to.  Mahnoon question paper Uttaransathi way ghalu naka.  Cause te minarach ate ek o o o ochanantara and nahi milale hai, no difference does not make any difference.  Aapan udayache aaplya mastit....

 ©️®️✍️Savita Suryakanta Tukaram Lote

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!! होईलच इथपासून चालू झालेला प्रवास राहू दे !!( लेख )

!! होईलच इथपासून चालू झालेला प्रवास राहू दे !!         पूर्णविराम द्यावा लागतो काही स्वप्नांना मी नेहमी इथून जात असताना वाटायच की त्या गेटच्...